Eleaf istick Pico Dual with MELO III Mini Atomizer Kit
Compatible Battery: 18650
Short-circuit Protection Function: Yes
Temperature Control: Yes
Nominal Capacity: None
Atomizers Identification Function: Yes
Brand Name: Eleaf
Appearance: Box Shape
Overheating Protection Function: Yes
Type: Without Battery
Monitoring Function Of Smoking Number: No
TCR Adjustment Modes: Yes
Compatible Model: Electronic Cigarette istick Pico Dual Kit
Model Number: Eleaf istick Pico Dual with MELO III Mini Atomizer
USB Charger: Yes
Display screen: Yes
Material: Metal
Silicone Case: No
Firmware Upgradeable: Yes
Low Voltage Alarm Function: Yes
Pico Dual Box MOD Size: 46mm*44mm*119mm
Melo 3 mini Tank capacity: 2ML
Thread type: 510 thread
Battery type: high-rate 18650 cells Should be above 25A (Not included )
Output wattage: 1-200W
Output mode: VW/TC(Ni,Ti,SS,TCR-M1,M2,M3)
Resistance range: 0.05-1.5ohm (TC modes) 0.1-3.5ohm (VW mode)
Temperature range: 100-315C/200-600F(TC modes)
Maximum charging / output current: 1.5A /50A
istick Pico Dual Color: black, white, silver, grey, red, cyan